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This brief history should dispel any notion that our fight with Islamic extremism is something new and a sign of the last days. It’s not. In fact, the fight with Islam goes back nearly 1500 years, and throughout that history prophecy writers have viewed Islam in its many incarnations as a prophetic end-time villain signaling the near return of Jesus in one of the five “rapture” positions or in the Second Coming itself.
Paperback, 82 pages
Gary DeMar is a Senior Fellow of American Vision where he served as president for thirty-five years. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University (1973) and earned his M.Div. at Reformed Theological Seminary in 1979. Author of countless articles and more than 27 books, Gary has been featured by several major media outlets, hosted his own radio shows, and is a regular contributor to AmericanVision.org. Gary has lives in the Atlanta area with his wife, as well as children and grandchildren nearby.
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"Kings must be obeyed for God’s cause, and not against God, and then, when they serve and obey God, and not otherwise... That sentence of God Almighty must always remain...
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Audiobook version also available here. Volume 1 of the Bahnsen Apologetic TrilogySee Volume 2 (The Impossibility of the Contrary) here, and Volume 3 (Pushing the Antithesis) here. This book is...
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This product is available in the following formats: PDF eBook Subtitle: The Strange Case of the Treaty of Tripoli “. . . The United States of America is not in...
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From the founding of the colonies to the declaration of the Supreme Court, America's heritage is built up on the principles of the Christian religion. And yet the secularists are...