Christianity and Civilization #4 - Reconstruction of the Church

The perspective of the organizers of this symposium is that the reconstruction of the Church requires the re-establishment of three principles. First, there must be a re-establishment of true government in the Church. Second, there must be a re-establishment of true liturgical discipline around the sacrament. Third, there must be a re-establishment of sound teaching. Because judgment begins at the house of God, when these things are recovered by the Church they will also be recovered by society at large. The Church is the nursery of the Kingdom, and there can be no reformation in state, school, or family, until there is reformation in the Church. 

Man's problems are indeed religious, but religion is not just theology, and man's problem is not just bad theology. Religion is also the discipline of ritual and the restraining virtue of court-enforced boundaries. There must be recovery in all three areas, or there will be recovery in none. It is to that recovery that this symposium is dedicated. -From the Editor's Introduction

About the Author: James B. Jordan is a Calvinist theologian and author. He is director of Biblical Horizons ministries, a think tank that publishes books, essays and other media dealing with Bible commentary, Biblical Theology, and liturgy.

Specifications: e-Book 337 pages

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