as low as $10.00 $15.00
For many Christians, interpreting Bible prophecy is a complicated task. As a result, they often turn to so-called Bible experts and complicated charts that include gaps in time, outrageous literal...
as low as $1.00
This product is available in the following formats: PDF eBook Subtitle: The Strange Case of the Treaty of Tripoli “. . . The United States of America is not in...
as low as $10.00 $19.95
From the founding of the colonies to the declaration of the Supreme Court, America's heritage is built up on the principles of the Christian religion. And yet the secularists are...
as low as $24.95 $50.00
The Bible tells us that the "fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge" (Proverbs 1:7). It also tells us "to be ready always with an answer" (1 Peter...
as low as $15.00 $30.00
This product is available in the following formats: DVD MP4 Video Download The end is here... again. At every calendar milestone, self-proclaimed modern-day prophets arise to stir up a furor rivaled...
as low as $15.00 $30.00
This download includes the audio of talks from the Worldview Super Conference IV - Biblical Blueprints for Victory. (2010) Christianity and Post-Modern Historiography - Dr. Roger Schultz Postmodern approaches...
as low as $10.00
American Vision is pleased to present H. B. Clark's Biblical Law—now back in print after over 60 years! Written in the style of a law reference guide, Biblical Law is a layman's compendium of...
as low as $10.00 $25.00
Is Christ’s kingdom unreal in history until He comes again to sit on an earthly throne? If so, is Satan’s kingdom unreal in history until he comes to sit on...
as low as $19.00 $30.00
This download includes the audio of talks from the American Vision National Prophecy Conference - Christian Victory in Every Realm of Life. Included are several PDF Outlines and e-Books. ...
as low as $10.00 $19.95
“The ACLU hopes you won’t read this book!”– Gary DeMar Originally published in 1898, Christianity and the American Commonwealth is a collection of five brilliant lectures given by Dr. Charles...
as low as $24.95 $50.00
The Constitution is the law of the land, but how much do you really know about it? Do you know that is thoroughly grounded in biblical principles? What do you...
as low as $10.00
American Vision's National Prophecy Conference Sessions in MP4 video download - 6 Lectures featuring Gary DeMar Why is Eschatology Important? The Basics of Interpreting Bible Prophecy Surveying the Major Prophetic...
as low as $24.95 $50.00
Being a biblical Christian doesn't just mean getting our theology straight, it also means getting our living straight. Christianity can be summarized as being about orthodoxy (what what we believe)...
as low as $10.00 $25.00
This product is available in the following format(s): MP3 Audio Download While most commentaries on Daniel emphasize a distant future fulfillment, you will learn how this unique prophecy is fulfilled...
as low as $10.00
This product is available in the following formats: MP4 Video Download Gary DeMar and Dr. Ken Gentry tackle the hard questions, "Who or what is mystery Babylon?" "Who or what...
as low as $1.00 $4.95
A worldview is simply the way you look at yourself and the world around you. It includes your beliefs about God, yourself, your neighbors, your family, civil government, art, music,...
as low as $1.00 $4.95
There has been a large appetite for end-time books in the modern era—from Oswald J. Smith (1889–1986), who in 1926 predicted that Mussolini was the biblical antichrist,14 to Edgar Whisenant...
as low as $1.00
This product is available as an MP3 Download The Debate: On Saturday, June 13, 2015, Dr. Brown and Gary DeMar debated the topic, “Has the Church Replaced Israel?” at Imago...
as low as $10.00
In August of 2013, Gary DeMar set out over three days at World Revival Church in Kansas City in order to answer this eschatological question: Is the end of the...
as low as $24.95 $50.00
For many Christians, interpreting Bible prophecy is a complicated task. As a result, they often turn to so-called Bible experts and complicated charts that include gaps in time, outrageous literal...
as low as $24.95 $50.00
The family is the foundation of covenant life. God deals with His people through covenant and the family is one of the primary ways that this gets modeled to the world...
as low as $2.95 $4.95
Hear Gary DeMar and Robert Thomas debate the "end times." Two scholars defend their different interpretations of biblical eschatology. Listen in and make up your own mind... MP3 audio; 75...
as low as $15.00 $30.00
This product is available in the following formats: MP3 Audio Download A collection of radio interviews where Gary is seemingly taken to task. Specifications: 6 - MP3 Audio Downloads |...
as low as $15.00 $45.00
Nearly forty years ago, amid the rapid dissolution of the American moral fabric after Roe v. Wade, an old truth started gaining new life in America. It was the truth that...
as low as $24.95 $50.00
All government is some sort of authority structure. Government doesn't just mean civil government, it also means family, church, and self-government. Every institution that has rules is a form of...
as low as $1.00
One way to change the direction of a nation is to keep people ignorant. The public schools have done a great job in shifting worldview thinking from theism to humanism...
as low as $24.95 $50.00
History is at the heart of the Christian faith. Christianity depends upon the events described in the Bible. The Old Testament is the foundation of the New Testament, which depends upon the...
as low as $10.00 $20.00
What were the scoffers in Peter’s day scoffing at when they asked, “Where is the promise of His coming?” (2 Peter 3:3) Modern-day prophecy writers argue that anyone who questions that the return...
as low as $10.00
If Scientists believe in evolution, why don't they practice what their faith preaches? Atheism cannot account for rationality, love or morality. This does not mean that atheists are always irrational,...
as low as $10.00 $15.00
Wars and rumors of wars, famines, plagues, and earthquakes. These are the biblical signs. All of them are realities of planet earth each days. Is Jesus coming back soon? Did...
as low as $10.00
Does Modern Israel Have a Role in the End Times? Did God fulfill the Old Testament prophecies of the restoration of Israel with Ezra, Nehemiah, and the early church, or...
as low as $10.00 $25.00
What you believe about the future could hurt you.The end is here...again. At every calendar milestone, self-proclaimed modern-day "prophets" arise to stir up a furor rivaled only by the impending...
as low as $10.00 $25.00
Expanded Second Edition Now in StockWill Any Actually Be Left Behind? You might think so, if you've read Tim LaHaye's Left Behind series (written with Jerry Jenkins). You can be convinced that...
as low as $8.95 $14.95
Security or liberty? Which have you chosen? Lavish government spending programs and burdensome tax bills are legitimized by describing them as just, benevolent, fair, and good for the people. The...
as low as $10.00
Note: this product is a video download, not a DVD. America is caught between two rival faiths - Christianity and Humanism. Christianity teaches that God is sovereign over all of...
as low as $10.00
Gary DeMar and Barry Horner debated when the events of Matthew 24 were or would be fulfilled. Mr. DeMar takes the position that the Olivet Discourse is a prophecy of...
as low as $10.00 $20.00
You don't have to be a genius to develop a great memory. It's all about technique. Memory Mechanics shows how memory works and develops proven methods to make learning new...
as low as $1.00 $4.95
Ideas and beliefs have consequences. What you believe about reality and the world around you influence and inform your actions. If your ultimate reality is that people are nothing more than the...
as low as $10.00 $25.00
Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths takes a closer look at God's Word and applies it to erroneous misinterpretations of the Bible that have resulted in a virtual shut-down of the church's full-orbed...
as low as $9.95 $24.95
Formerly titled The Early Church and the End of the World, this updated and expanded second edition includes a new 30-page chapter by Gary DeMar on the Nicene Creed. “The...
as low as $10.00
Who inherits what we leave behind? How does our view of the future affect our attitude towards the future? Listen in as Gary DeMar talks about the Paralysis of Pessimism.
as low as $10.00 $50.00
I was driving north on I-75 toward Knoxville when I received a call from my office. "Gary, a man just called. He said that he was dying and that he...
as low as $1.00
The outline from Gary's two podcast episodes on 2 Thessalonians 2 and the "man of lawlessness." Part One of the podcast is here and Part Two is here.
as low as $10.00
This Product is available in MP3 download format Politics is dirty... that’s why we’ve got to clean it up. “Where are we going? And why are we in this mess?”...
as low as $10.00 $25.00
Commentators, theologians, preachers, and social media pundits have a lot to say about Bible prophecy. In Prophecy Wars, Gary DeMar takes a hard look at some of Christendom’s most popular...
as low as $16.95 $19.95
Subtitle: God's Government or Chaos The main reason anti-Christian civilizationists survive and seem to thrive is that Christians have not engaged with, answered, and built a competing alternative culture—THE ORIGINAL...
as low as $9.95 $19.95
Subtitle: God's Government or Chaos The main reason anti-Christian civilizationists survive and seem to thrive is that Christians have not engaged with, answered, and built a competing alternative culture—THE ORIGINAL...
as low as $12.00
On February 23, 2013 Gary DeMar participated in “Revelation: An Evangelical Symposium” in Reno, Nevada, with Sam Waldron — Academic Dean and Resident Professor of Systematic Theology at the Midwest...