America's Christian History: The Untold Story

From the founding of the colonies to the declaration of the Supreme Court, America's heritage is built up on the principles of the Christian religion.  And yet the secularists are dismantling this foundation brick by brick, attempting to deny the very core of our national life.

You weigh the evidence. Consider the following facts which are being systematically erased from our nation's memory:

  • In 1892, the Supreme Court of the United States declared, "This is a Christian nation."
  • During the War for Independence, Congress resolved to import 20,000 volumes of the Bible because "the use of the Bible is so universal, and its importance so great."
  • The New England Confederation stated that the purpose of the colonies was "to advance the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ and to enjoy the liberties of the gospel in purity with peace."
  • Harvard College required that each student believe that "the main end of his life and studies is to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life."
  • John Adams wrote, "The Christian religion is...the Religion of Wisdom, Virtue, Equity, and humanity."
  • Engraved on the metal cap on the top of the Washington Monument are the words "Praise be to God."
Christianity is written on every page of America's amazing history. Gary DeMar presents well-documented facts which will change your perspective about what it means to be a Christian in America; the truth about America's Christian past as it relates to supreme court justices, and presidents; the Christian character of colonial charters, state constitutions, and the US Constitution; the Christian foundation of colleges, the Christian character of Washington, D.C.; the origin of Thanksgiving and so much more. 

Three appendixes have been added that further emphasize Christianity's positive influence on America. Additional information includes Deism and the Founding of America and Jesus Christ and the Founding of America.
This is an indispensable book which is needed in a time when even "under God" is coming under fire. 

About the Author: Gary DeMar is the President of American Vision. Gary is a graduate of Western Michigan University (1973) and earned his M.Div. at Reformed Theological Seminary in 1979. In 2007, he earned his Ph.D. in Christian Intellectual History from Whitefield Theological Seminary. Author of countless essays, news articles, and more than 27 book titles, he also hosts The Gary DeMar Show, and History Unwrapped, both broadcasted and podcasted.
Specifications: Paperback, 256 pages

© 1993 The American Vision, Inc. 

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