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Subtitle: The Strange Case of the Treaty of Tripoli
“. . . The United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion . . .”
How many times have you heard this little line attributed to the Founding Fathers in an attempt to disprove America’s Christian heritage?
A famous People for the American Way advertisement featuring Charlie Sheen’s father Martin even states that George Washington, the father of our country, wrote it!
For years, this one little line has tripped up many a defender of America’s Christian heritage.
Found in an obscure 1797 treaty with the Barbary Pirates when Washington wasn’t even in office, the line was written in language the Muslims would understand to persuade the pirates that the United States was not governed by a state religion like an Islamic nation, and would thus not impose Christianity on the people of the Barbary Coast.
A studied examination of the history and context of the Treaty of Tripoli in light of the magnitude of evidence for the Christian history of the United States, Gary DeMar’s America’s 200-Year War With Islamic Terrorism: The Strange Case of the Treaty of Tripoli clears the air of the misconceptions and deceptions surrounding the treaty, and puts secular critics in their place.
About the Author: Gary DeMar is the President of American Vision. With a Master of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in Christian Intellectual History from Whitefield Theological Seminary, Gary is the author of countless essays, news articles, and more than 27 books. Gary has lived in the Atlanta, Georgia, area since 1979 with his wife Carol. They have two married sons and are members of Midway Presbyterian Church in Powder Springs, Georgia.
Specifications: eBook (PDF format), 2 megabytes, 35 pages
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