Culture 101: Christ is King Over All

Being a biblical Christian doesn't just mean getting our theology straight, it also means getting our living straight. Christianity can be summarized as being about orthodoxy (what what we believe) and orthopraxy (how we live what we believe). Getting our theology worked out is only half of the equation; getting our theology into our everyday lives is the other half. 

Culture 101 is a much-needed primer on how to live out the Christian worldview. Jesus said to "do business" until He returns, and that means living and working in the world. Christians are sometimes given the idea that only "spiritual" pursuits are worthy of the true Christian, but this is a misguided view. The truly spiritual Christian will have great impact in all areas of life, including business, entertainment, and art.

The Christian life is one of thinking AND living to the glory of God. Using video, audio, and printed materials, Culture 101 gives a small glimpse into what Christian-influenced orthopraxy should look like.

This comprehensive course includes:

• Collision: Is Christianity Good for the World? (90-minute video documentary, with study guide)
• Biblical Blueprints for Victory (9-part audio series)
• Christianity and Civilization (4-part ebook series)
• How to Have Dominion in a Hostile World (13-part audio series by Gary DeMar, with study guides)
• The Culture Collection (6-part audio series)
• The Reduction of Christianity (450-page ebook by Gary DeMar and Peter Leithart)
• and much more...

Your thinking and living will be changed. You will never see a particular occupation as being more "holy" than any other. You will be energized and encouraged to use your talents and gifts for gospel living. 

Your views on Christianity and Culture will be forever altered!

Specifications: MP3 audio, MP4 video, and PDF

PLEASE NOTE: These are electronic files and are collectively very large. Be patient as they will take some time to download.

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