Before Jerusalem Fell

The key question concerning the book of Revelation is "when was the book written?" If Ken Gentry is correct and the date is prior to A.D. 70 then virtually all other prophecy pundits are wrong. This is why they won't address Ken's monumental work. Before Jerusalem Fell is a scholarly and thorough study of the dating of Revelation. This is a must-read for all serious students of prophecy regardless of their position.

Before Jerusalem Fell: Dating the Book of Revelation is a doctoral dissertation seeking to demonstrate that Revelation was written prior to the destruction of the Jewish Temple in A.D. 70 and that it was prophesying that event. It proves this early date for Revelation by providing both internal biblical evidence and external evidence from Church history and tradition. It provides much exposition of the text of Revelation. A large part of the argument deals with the identity of the beast (666) as Nero Caesar, the first imperial persecutor of the Church.

We do not have to depend on people who wrote a hundred years or more after the fact to get the accurate story. God's own Word sets the record straight. Through careful and painstaking work, Dr. Gentry deals with all the evidence. He weighs all the arguments.

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