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Formerly titled The Early Church and the End of the World, this updated and expanded second edition includes a new 30-page chapter by Gary DeMar on the Nicene Creed.
“The destruction of Jerusalem was more terrible than anything that the world has ever witnessed, either before or since. Even Titus seemed to see in his cruel work the hand of an avenging God.” —Charles H. Spurgeon
It has been maintained by some modern writers that the early church was predominately premillennial and exclusively futuristic on Bible prophecy. According to this popular view, the early Christian writers who commented on prophetic passages like the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21) believed and wrote that the biblical authors were always referring to events in the distant future just before something called the “rapture” or the return of Christ.
While these claims have been made with certainty, there has always been a lack of clear historical documentation to support them. Sometimes the historical record has been stretched and exaggerated to fit an already developed theory. But since the futurist perspective has been promoted as an early church reality by so many for so long, few question it. New Testament Eschatology challenges this prevailing futurist view with a careful study of the historical record. The evidence shows that many early church writers understood the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 to be the end of the Old Covenant world.
Specifications: 245-page paperback, eBook, or PDF
About the Authors:
Gary DeMar is the author of numerous books on Bible prophecy, including Last Days Madness, Wars and Rumors of Wars, Is Jesus Coming Soon?, The Gog and Magog End-Time Alliance, 10 Popular Prophecy Myths Exposed and Answered, Prophecy Wars, and Left Behind: Separating Fact from Fiction.
Francis X. Gumerlock teaches history and Latin and is the author of The Day and the Hour: Christianity’s Perennial Fascination with Predicting the End of the World, Revelation and the First Century, co-author of The Rapture and the Fig Tree Generation with Gary DeMar, and numerous articles dealing with eschatology.
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