Killer Angel

A Biography of Planned Parenthood's Founder Margaret Sanger

About the Title: A Shocking Look at Feminism's Patron Saint

"George Grant's writing is an invaluable asset to Americans in general, and to the pro-life Americans in particular. I am grateful for his leadership and courage to defend the sanctity of life, and to tell the truth at all costs."

--Beverly LaHaye, President of Concerned Women for America
"George Grant is an international treasure. His brilliant mind is matched only by his beautiful prose. I am grateful for his timely and persistent prolificacy."

--Geoffrey Still, President of Focus on the Family Canada
"Research, detail, accuracy. Three obvious distinctions of Dr. Grant's work."

--David Clydesdale, composer, conductor, and recording artist
"When I read the writing of George Grant, I am struck by his anointed ability to analyze and discern his subjects. His depth of knowledge and clarity of thought will impact your life and sharpen your views."

--James Robison, President of Life Outreach International
"George Grant is a prophetic figure whose wisdom and insight shines like a beacon through the contemporary fog of our culture, calling a generation drunk on modern myths back to sobriety in the truth of God's Word."

--Steve Camp, composer, musician, and recording artist
"George Grant is a careful historian with an artist's touch. He communicates truth with grace and beauty."

About the Author: Dr. George Grant is the author of nearly three dozen books on history, politics, theology, and social issues, including the best-selling Grand IllusionsThe Micah Mandate, and Bringing in the Sheaves. He is the director of King's Meadow Study Center, and instructor at Whitefield Theological Seminary, and a Teaching Fellow at Franklin Classical School.

Specifications: e-Book (PDF download), 3.4 megabytes, 404 pages

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