Christianity and Civilization #3 - Tactics of Christian Resistance

Confronted by Tyrants...

 deceived Pharaoh, and God blessed him (Genesis 12).
 wrestled with Laban, and God prospered him (genesis 29-31).
 performed outstanding slave service, and became ruler of Egypt (Genesis 39-41).
 said, "Let my people go," and God gave deliverance (Exodus 1-14).
 presented Eglon with a gift: a hiltless sword in the gut (Judges 3).
 lured Sisera to sleep, and drove a tent-peg through his skull (Judges 4-5).
 cut off the corner of Saul's robe, and then repented of it (l Samuel 24).
Jehosheba and Jehoiada
 concealed prince Joash from Athaliah (ll Kings 11).
 worked quietly for the LORD at Ahab's court, while Elijah prophesied against Ahab's sins (l Kings 18).
 rebuked King Uzziah for trying to make the church a department of the state (ll Chronicles 26).
 counseled submission to Nebuchadnezzar, while Hannaniah counseled rebellion (Jeremiah 26-28).
 and his friends served Nebuchadnezzar faithfully, but refused to worship his gods (Daniel 3-6).
Jesus Christ
 answered not a word to the charges of the High priest and to the questions of the Roman Governor (Matthew 26:63;27:14).
 made full use of his rights as a Roman citizen in arguing his case (Acts. 23-26).
The Early Christians
 paid their taxes, but went to the lions rather than turn in scrolls of the Bible.
Thomas Becket
 was slain in a cathedral rather than let KingHenry ll lay taxes directly on the Church.
Andrew Melville
 told King James VI of Scotland that he was not a king, nor a lord, nor a head, but only a member in Christ's Church.
The Founding Fathers
 declared that George III had broken covenant with the Christians of America. 

About the Editor: 
Gary North received his Ph.D. in history from the University of California, Riverside in 1972. Gary is the author of 42 books including The War on Mel Gibson: The Media versus The Passion and Crossed Fingers: How Liberals Captured the Presbyterian Church. Gary is one of the most insightful and thought-provoking historians in modern times. 

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