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Watch Gary DeMar discuss The Reduction of Christianity
Has the church merely been seduced, or has it been reduced as well?
Dr. Peter Leithart received his Master of Theology from Westminster Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge, England. He is the author of several books and articles that have appeared in publications around the world. He currently teaches at New Saint Andrews College and serves as Pastor of Trinity Reformed Church in Moscow, Idaho.
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"Kings must be obeyed for God’s cause, and not against God, and then, when they serve and obey God, and not otherwise... That sentence of God Almighty must always remain...
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Audiobook version also available here. Volume 1 of the Bahnsen Apologetic TrilogySee Volume 2 (The Impossibility of the Contrary) here, and Volume 3 (Pushing the Antithesis) here. This book is...
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This product is available in the following formats: PDF eBook Subtitle: The Strange Case of the Treaty of Tripoli “. . . The United States of America is not in...
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From the founding of the colonies to the declaration of the Supreme Court, America's heritage is built up on the principles of the Christian religion. And yet the secularists are...