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Victim's Rights is a detailed study of Exodus 21 and 22: the case laws. It identifies the fundamental principle of biblical civil justice: the obligation of civil government to defend the interests of the victims of crime, and the obligation of the criminal, not the State, to pay restitution.
We hear the phrase, "He has paid his debt to society" after some murderer or brutal thief has spent three or four years in jail. But what about his victim and the victim's heirs? What has he paid to them? Nothing. The criminal does not owe a debt to society. He owes a debt to his victim.
Modern Christians have neglected or rejected the case laws of Exodus. They are now in judicial bondage to humanists who see criminals as the victims and the law-abiding public as the aggressor. This is the philosophy of environmental determinism. Result: injustice on a wide scale.
What about specific penalties for specific crimes against specific victims? What about a system of restitution that helps both victim and criminal to recover? Silence. Why? Because such specifics point too clearly to the idea of God's final judgment and covenant-breaking man's desperate need for someone to make adequate restitution.
Victim's Rights shows what judicial changes this would require and how such a system could work today.
Specs: 328 Pages, Paperback or PDF Download
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