Few ideas have a more foundational place in our American heritage than those expressed in Jefferson’s phrase, “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Likewise, few people realize that the recognition of these “inalienable rights” grew directly out of the history of Christian legal and political thought. In this lecture, Joel McDurmon reveals the biblical and historical basis behind these Christian social values. He explains how the American founders and God’s Word alike expect freedom-loving people to exercise these rights practically and publically. The security of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness requires a society founded on God, Guns, and Gold.
These are the foundations of Christian society.
About the Speaker: Joel McDurmon, M.Div., is the Director of Research for American Vision, Inc. He is the author of God versus Socialism: A Biblical Critique of the New Social Gospel, and he served as editor for the compilation How to Argue with a Liberal… and Win! He has also authored four apologetics works: Biblical Logic: In Theory and Practice; Manifested in the Flesh; The Return of the Village Atheist; and Zeitgeist—The Movie: Exposed. He serves as a speaker and regular contributor to AmericanVision.org.
Format: MP4 Download, run-time 48 minutes
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