If Evolution is Right, Can Anything Be Wrong?

If Scientists believe in evolution, why don't they practice what their faith preaches?

Atheism cannot account for rationality, love or morality. This does not mean that atheists are always irrational, unloving and immoral, but it does mean that they can't account for rationality, love and morality given their assumptions about the origins of the universe and our accidental place in it.

Atheistic evolutionists express moral outrage against murder and rape, but if evolution is true, how can there be moral outrage since it was killing and rape that got us where we are today as a species? Animals kill and rape every day. Why are killing and rape OK for animals but not for humans, who are only supposedly highly evolved animals? If evolution is true, at death we are nothing more than dust in the wind and in life we are nothing more than a bag of meat and bones.

In this audio series, Gary DeMar forces the evolutionist to live consistently with his stated materialist assumptions.

Total running time: 3 lectures - 180 minutes total

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