Left Behind: Separating Fact from Fiction

Expanded Second Edition Now in Stock

Will Any Actually Be Left Behind?

You might think so, if you've read Tim LaHaye's Left Behind series (written with Jerry Jenkins). You can be convinced that the Bible specifically teaches that in the end times Christians will be rescued from a terrible seven-year tribulation period while unbelievers will remain on earth to be subjected to countless horrors at the hands of the antichrist.

In Left Behind: Separating Fact From Fiction, Gary DeMar takes a critical  look at the theology behind this popular fiction series and challenges readers to consider a different interpretation.

With confidence based on years of biblical study, DeMar carefully examines eleven major components of the pre-tribulation rapture theology and offers clear, convincing alternatives to the interpretations of Bible prophecy presented in Left Behind.

What difference does it make what we believe about the end times anyway? DeMar addresses that question as well, showing how our point-of-view regarding end-times prophecies affects the way we live each day. In addition, DeMar answers skeptics who use failed end-times predictions to disprove the Bible.

Giving us a different perspective on the end times, this approach to the Bible could revolutionize the life of the church.


It started with The Late Great Planet Earth and continues with the Left Behind series, books on prophecy and the end-times that seem to hold the public in thrall. Never mind that none of the things predicted in these books will ever take place - except the Second Coming of Christ - because they are based on faulty interpretations of Scripture. In Left Behind: Separating Fact From Fiction, Gary DeMar brilliantly skewers all the current pretentious prophecy claims, showing how they have no biblical support, and returns sanity to Christian hopes for the future.
~Paul Maier, Professor of Ancient History, WMU, bestselling author of the novel Skeleton in God's Closet

About the Author: 
Gary DeMar is the President of American Vision. Gary is a graduate of Western Michigan University (1973) and earned his M.Div. at Reformed Theological Seminary in 1979. In 2007, he earned his Ph.D. in Christian Intellectual History from Whitefield Theological Seminary. Author of countless essays, news articles, and more than 27 book titles.

Specifications: 331 pages

© 2009 The American Vision, Inc.

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