No Other Standard: Theonomy and Its Critics

Dr. Greg Bahnsen’s published master’s thesis Theonomy in Christian Ethics caused quite a stir. Why? What was Bahnsen’s thesis? It was simply this: the civil and moral laws of the Old Testament are still binding on society in the New Testament era, unless annulled or otherwise transformed by a New Testament teaching, either directly or by implication. In short, there is judicial and moral continuity between the testaments.

No Other Standard is Dr. Bahnsen’s response to various books, articles, and other critiques that have circulated over the years. Bahnsen skillfully takes his critics’ arguments apart, showing that they have either misrepresented his position or misrepresented the Bible. Line by line, point by point, he shows that they have not understood his arguments and have also not understood the vulnerability of their own logical and theological positions. Joe Louis once said of an ill-fated scheduled opponent in the ring, “He can run, but he can’t hide.” Likewise, Bahnsen’s critics. No Other Standard corners them all, and one by one, floors them.

Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen (1948–1995) graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary where he simultaneously received the Master of Divinity and Master of Theology degrees. He later received his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California. He is the author of Always Ready, Presuppositional Apologetics: Stated and Defended, VanTil’s Apologetic: Readings and Analysis, and innumerable essays and articles.

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