Something Greater Is Here

It’s time Christians begin to understand what’s at stake. There is a battle going on. In many cases, the fire is coming from within the camp. Millions of Christians say they believe the Bible is the Word of God, that it’s inerrant and infallible. But when it comes to using the Bible as a blueprint for living, they begin to take out their scissors. You’ve heard the objections:

  • The Old Testament doesn’t apply in the church age.
  • You can’t put a non-Christian under Biblical law.
  • We’re under grace, not law.

These objections are myths, or at best, dangerous half-truths. A lack of a comprehensive Biblical worldview has left Christians open to a blind-side attack from humanists who have developed a comprehensive secular worldview.

The Biblical worldview presents the truth that history is moving forward, and every Christian is responsible before God to show himself a good and faithful steward of his God-given gifts. It’s time Christians embrace this great calling.

About the Author: Gary DeMar graduated from Western Michigan University (1973) and earned his M.Div. at Reformed Theological Seminary in 1979. Author of countless essays, articles, and more than 27 books, he has been featured by many major news media outlets. Gary served as President of American Vision for thirty-five years, and is a regular contributor to the website, He and his wife Carol have two married sons, enjoy being grandparents, and are members of Midway Presbyterian Church (PCA).

Format: Paperback; Kindle, ePub, and PDF eBook, 68pp

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