Theonomy: An Informed Response

Covenants are inescapable concepts. It is never a question of covenant vs. no covenant; it is always a question of whose covenant. If a Christian says that there is no legitimate Christian civil covenant in New Testament times, he is necessarily saying that Christendom is not a biblically valid goal in history.

Christendom is a civilization—the kingdom of God in history—that is governed in every area, every nook and cranny, by God: a society whose lawfully anointed rulers govern in terms of God’s revealed law. In this view, God is not in retirement or on vacation; He is a King who has delegated to His officers the authority to exercise command. There are three covenantal institutions: family, church, and state. To deny that God’s covenant law applies to civil government in New Testament times is necessarily to abandon the ideal of Christendom.

Gary North (1942-2022) was the author of over 50 books on economics, theology, history, and education. His articles appeared in National Review, American Spectator, The Wall Street Journal, and The Westminster Theological Journal. His work lives on in print and on his website,

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