About the Title: A biblical response to anti-abortionists who claim that the individual has the God given right to kill abortionists in God's name, or in the name of natural law ("common sense"). These letters to convicted murderer Paul J. Hill were written before he was convicted. They respond to his printed defense of the use of violence against abortionists as well as to his personal letters to the author.
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This download includes the audio of talks from the Worldview Super Conference IV - Biblical Blueprints for Victory. (2010) Christianity and Post-Modern Historiography - Dr. Roger Schultz Postmodern approaches...
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Paperback now available! Christian Economics in One Lesson is Dr. North's reworking of Henry Hazlitt’s classic introduction to economic thought, Economics in One Lesson. That book set the standard as an...
as low as $10.00 $25.00
Is Christ’s kingdom unreal in history until He comes again to sit on an earthly throne? If so, is Satan’s kingdom unreal in history until he comes to sit on...
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"The Failure of American Baptist Culture" might seem a puzzling topic for a symposium of essays, but the contention of the editors...is that American culture or civilization has been, in...