$25.00 $39.95
DVD 1: 1925: The Scopes Trial as a Turning Point
DVD 2: 1926-1975: The Great Reversal
DVD 3: 1976-2006: Out of the Shadows
Speaker: Dr. Gary North (Ph.D. in history from the University of California, Riverside) is the author of over 42 books on economics, the Bible, social theory, education, and history. Since 1974, he has been the editor of Remnant Review, a monthly financial newsletter. He has devoted the bulk of his academic career to a study of the Bible and its implications for economic theory and practice.
Specifications: 3 DVDs, 165 minutes
as low as $15.00 $30.00
This download includes the audio of talks from the Worldview Super Conference IV - Biblical Blueprints for Victory. (2010) Christianity and Post-Modern Historiography - Dr. Roger Schultz Postmodern approaches...
as low as $10.00 $25.00
Paperback now available! Christian Economics in One Lesson is Dr. North's reworking of Henry Hazlitt’s classic introduction to economic thought, Economics in One Lesson. That book set the standard as an...
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"The Failure of American Baptist Culture" might seem a puzzling topic for a symposium of essays, but the contention of the editors...is that American culture or civilization has been, in...
as low as $10.00
"I am not a pacifist, because pacifism in this poor world in which we live, this lost world, means that we desert the people who need our greatest help. As...