Christian Victory in Every Realm of Life

This download includes the audio of talks from the American Vision National Prophecy Conference - Christian Victory in Every Realm of Life. Included are several PDF Outlines and e-Books.


Why is Eschatology Important? - Gary DeMar

The Basics of Interpreting Bible Prophecy - Gary DeMar

Surveying the Major Prophetic Passages - Part I - Gary DeMar

Surveying the Major Prophetic Passages - Part II - Gary DeMar

Do Dispensationalists Really Interpret Literally? - Jerry Johnson

What Israel Shows Us: Glory in the Land - James Jordan

What the New Creation Shows Us: Glory in the World - James Jordan

Double Fulfillment, Double Crossed - Joel McDurmon

Updating the Dating of Revelation - Ken Gentry

Israel in Revelation - Ken Gentry

War of Birth Rates is War of Eschatologies - Bojidar Marinov

Europe in the Grip of Pessimistic Eschatology - Bojidar Marinov

External Evidence for an Early Date for Revelation - Francis Gumerlock

The Overwhelming Presence of Nero - Francis Gumerlock

The Eschatology of the Parables - Joel McDurmon

Gog and Magog in Prophecy - Gary DeMar

So what Does All This Mean? - Gary DeMar

Approximately 16 hours in MP3 Format, plus many additional PDF study tools

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