America: The Untold Story

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  • MP4 & MP3 Downloadable Video and Audio
  • MP4 Downloadable Video
  • MP3 Downloadable Audio

Winner of the coveted Angel Award, America: The Untold Story is based on documented historical facts. 

This fully-dramatized audio is paired with stirring illustrations, and is designed to open the eyes of American citizens so that they can see the miraculous and providential hand of God in our nation's history.  For the first time, you will have the documented evidence that much of what is taught and believed about the origins of our nation by the popular media and public education is progressive and leftist revisionism. 

We must realize that these self-proclaimed elitists have an agenda --  tearing down our founding Fathers belief and reliance on the self-contained God of the Bible. 

"This is a great production!  The illustrations, musical score, narration and acting are first class. I had my children sit down and watch it with me.  They thoroughly enjoyed it and were disappointed when it was over." -- Jerry Johnson, Preisdent,


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