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Physical book is out of print. This product is an eBook. It is a PDF file of the book. One of the best ways to communicate truth in such a...
as low as $10.00 $25.00
What you believe about the future could hurt you.The end is here...again. At every calendar milestone, self-proclaimed modern-day "prophets" arise to stir up a furor rivaled only by the impending...
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Calvinism is not just five points, but is, as Dr. Kuyper makes clear, a whole, complete, coherent worldview. These Lectures represent the “next step” in Calvinism for those who have...
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This product is available as a PDF Download In Manifested in the Flesh, author Joel McDurmon illustrates the uniqueness, richness, and importance of the Christian doctrine of the Incarnation of Christ....
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There are two key areas where men are called to lead. They are the home and the church. Many of the problems in our modern churches are a result of...
as low as $10.00 $25.00
The Olivet Discourse is not a tacked-on sermon by Jesus. It serves as a necessary conclusion to His ministry and warning to Israel and the prelude to the Passion Narratives that...
as low as $10.00 $25.00
It was Jesus who said: "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be....Verily I...
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Gary DeMar and Barry Horner debated when the events of Matthew 24 were or would be fulfilled. Mr. DeMar takes the position that the Olivet Discourse is a prophecy of...
as low as $10.00 $20.00
About the Title: There is a person holding a sign that says: "The End Is Near." A man in business suit says: "Have I got time for a cup of coffee?"...
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The Nature of Man is Bad News. The Nature of God is Good News. We are often told that ideas have consquences. How we think and what we believe influence...
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In the fifteenth century before the birth of Jesus, Moses came before Pharaoh and made what seemed to be a minor request: Pharaoh should allow the Israelites to make a...
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Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths takes a closer look at God's Word and applies it to erroneous misinterpretations of the Bible that have resulted in a virtual shut-down of the church's full-orbed...
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Formerly titled The Early Church and the End of the World, this updated and expanded second edition includes a new 30-page chapter by Gary DeMar on the Nicene Creed. “The...
as low as $10.00 $25.00
Dr. Greg Bahnsen’s published master’s thesis Theonomy in Christian Ethics caused quite a stir. Why? What was Bahnsen’s thesis? It was simply this: the civil and moral laws of the...
as low as $10.00
Too often, discussions of Noah's Ark turn either to trivial statistics and curiosities or else hopeless doom-and-gloom "end times" predictions. But the true story has so much more to tell...
as low as $10.00 $20.00
In the midst of a political and economic crisis, when the government had already run wild deficits, debts, and inflation, one man rose to condemn corrupt policies and practice. Risking...
as low as $12.95 $40.00
THE PREMISE OF THIS BOOK IS SIMPLE ENOUGH: the Gospel is sufficient; the Gospel will prevail among men and nations; the Gospel is good news of glad tidings and great...
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Who inherits what we leave behind? How does our view of the future affect our attitude towards the future? Listen in as Gary DeMar talks about the Paralysis of Pessimism.
as low as $10.00 $50.00
I was driving north on I-75 toward Knoxville when I received a call from my office. "Gary, a man just called. He said that he was dying and that he...
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Presbyterian Zeal and the Spirit of the Revolution About the Title: "We shall find that the first voice publicly raised in America to dissolve all connection with Great Britain came, not...
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A Handbook on Strategic Evangelism In the study of warfare, great men have concluded that there are some overriding principles which, if followed, will always tend toward success in battle,...
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Volume 3 of the Bahnsen Apologetic TrilogySee Volume 1 (Against All Opposition) here, and Volume 2 (The Impossibility of the Contrary) here. Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen believed that to deal...
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One of the problems with modern Bible readers is the deep influence of Greek thinking. Until we are able to think like Hebrews, we will not be able to understand...
as low as $10.00 $25.00
"I want to see America free again! So, what do I do?" This is an often asked but rarely answered question, that is, until now... The answers to that question are...
as low as $19.95 $25.00
Note: This edition includes only the New Testament since it’s often the most notoriously mistranslated part of the Bible, especially when it comes to eschatology. Having a basic knowledge of...
as low as $18.95 $25.00
“Social Credit” is a remedy proposed by deceivers in a post-inflation economy. This book is designed to help you understand economics. Read it, pay attention to it, and follow its arguments....
as low as $25.00 $26.95
Putting Government in Its Place This unique work by Pastor David Hall is an attempt to define the role of the state: Shall it be a minister or a Messiah?...
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There is currently an explosion of interest in the Old Testament religious law of “Shemitah” thanks to books like Jonathan Cahn’s The Harbinger. This wildly popular book makes startling claims...
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Leviathan is rising again, and the first weapon we must recover is the longstanding Christian tradition of resisting governmental overreach. Our bloated bureaucratic state would have been unrecognizable to the...
as low as $5.00 $15.00
It’s time Christians begin to understand what’s at stake. There is a battle going on. In many cases, the fire is coming from within the camp. Millions of Christians say...
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Updated and Expanded Second Edition now in stock! Since the reestablishment of Israel in 1948, “end-time” prophetic speculation has been on the rise. While there is a long history of date...
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While Thomas Paine's Age of Reason gets a great deal of press from skeptics, misinformed separationists, and atheists of every stripe, almost no one mentions Elias Boudinot's book-length response. Paine is...
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Get all four ebooks in the American Originals Series for one low price. Also receive two bonus books with your purchase. Valued at $60 when purchased separately, buying this series...
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Debates about "end-time" evil ramped up in the third decade of the twenty-first century. A global pandemic, failing economies, and political discord have affected billions. Amid fear, many feel they’re...
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A long line of movies, video games, and enlistment promos betray the final transformation of the American perspective on war -- what was once considered a specter is now a spectacle. The war...
as low as $20.00 $29.95
A Crash Course on the U.S. Constitution with a Biblical Perspective Revealing the Christian Standards Grounded in America's Most Significant Founding Documents Now over 220 years old, the U.S. Constitution...
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How can Christians protect their history, pass on their values, and create a lasting legacy for future generations?In working towards the victory of Christ's kingdom, Christians have the obligation (and...
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This companion volume to Young Calvin in Paris, is the rarely-told story of Calvin’s early development and education highlights great character, fortitude, and godliness for generations of Christians still today. This...
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Christianity and Civilization is the foundation of a full-formed Christian world and life view. Each volume represents a broad area of study and many different authors in many different articles...
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Within the church today, few practices have been abandoned with such disregard as mandatory tithing. While the church global effectively wrote off tithing decades ago, seminary professors are now calling...
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David Chilton has done it. He has written a book on Revelation that is sure to spark an eschatological revolution. Going where no commentary has dared to go before, Chilton's...
as low as $15.00 $20.00
This product is available in the following formats: Paperback America has entered troubling times. The massive expansion of Federal government power with its destructive laws and policies is of grave...
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From the Introduction to Gary DeMar's book, Liberty at Risk, "Godfather Government" shows that the crime underworld of the Corleone family in the famous Godfather books and movies is really...
as low as $10.00 $20.00
The Gog and Magog End-Time Alliance: Israel, Russia, and Syria in Bible Prophecy Jet planes … missiles … and atomic weapons. You will search in vain in Ezekiel 38 and...
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The resurrection is more powerful than the cross. Light is more powerful than darkness (John 1:9). Good is more powerful than evil, for Christ now reigns from on high. The...
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The Christian Enterprise in a Fallen World About the Title: "Save Souls, Not Cultures!" This has been the motto of twentieth-century evangelism. Having encountered heavy resistance to the prophet's message of comprehensive...
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The Handwriting on the Wall. A book in 24 chapters and eleven appendixes, explaining the historical context of Daniel’s life and prophecies, what those prophecies meant to the first generation who...
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Please note: This is the first volume of a two-part series. Volume Two can be purchased here. The Hope of Israel and the Nations deals with the text of Scripture, letting...