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What once was lost is now found!
Years before his untimely death, Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen, "the man atheists fear most,” wrote a systematic treatise and defense of Cornelius Van Til's revolutionary apologetics, and it was destined to become his finest work.
Amid the complications from his passing, however, the only copy was lost, and the book was never published.
But in our Lord's Providence, our friends at Covenant Media Foundation discovered the lost proofs after some twenty years. They sent them to us at American Vision where our enthusiastic editors busily began preparing the work for publication.
Upon release, Presuppositional Apologetics was so popular that we completely sold out after just a few months.
Now years later, the last great work of this giant of Christian philosophy is back in print.
Bahnsen’s magnum opus lays out the Biblical presuppositional method, provides rigorous Biblical proof, and defends the uniqueness of the method.
This is the work we all longed for Bahnsen to write, yet never knew that he already had written! Now rescued from the dustbin of history, this monument of apologetics will provide must-reading for Christian defenders of the faith for generations to come.
If there were only one resource for the exposition and defense of the Reformed presuppositional apologetic, this would be it—by far, its clearest expression by one of the sharpest Christian thinkers of the 20th century.
Note: This book was previously titled Van Til's Presuppositional Apologetics
About the Author: Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen (1948-1995) was once described as "the man atheists fear most." A distinguished scholar, author, and Christian apologist, Bahnsen was an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, and the author of Theonomy in Christian Ethics, No Other Standard: Theonomy and Its Critics, and co-author with Kenneth Gentry of House Divided: The Breakup of Dispensational Theology.
About the Editor: Joel McDurmon, M.Div., Reformed Episcopal Theological Seminary, is the Director of Research for American Vision. He is the author of: Manifested in the Flesh: How the Historical Evidence of Jesus Refutes Modern Mystics and Skeptics,The Return of the Village Atheist, and Zeitgeist Refuted: Is Jesus an Astrological Myth? He also serves as a lecturer and regular contributor to the American Vision website, joining their staff in June of 2008.
Specifications: Paperback; 314 pages
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