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In November, 2015, Joel McDurmon presented these challenging lectures at Freedom Conference 2015 in Des Moines, Iowa.
Speaking before presidential candidates and over 1,900 Christians and conservatives, Joel introduced the biblical doctrines at the heart of American freedom, including areas where conservatives often make the first compromises: education, and police work.
In his first discussion, The Battle for Religious Liberty, Joel addresses the general issues of socialism and Christian compromise, and makes a call to begin restoring America by focusing on our own compromises first.
At a later, more detailed breakout session, Joel addressed an audience of about 400 concerned Christians primarily on the issue of police powers and the growth of the police state in America. This talk, Crushing Leviathan: Biblical Principles to Break Free of the Modern Inquisition, focuses on the historical development of these powers, the loss of liberty, and makes a call to the Christian pulpit to return once again to preaching the biblical remedies for tyranny.
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You may donate using your credit card through this page, through our secure site, or you are welcome to mail in a donation by check to: American VisionPO Box 220Powder Springs,...
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A worldview is simply the way you look at yourself and the world around you. It includes your beliefs about God, yourself, your neighbors, your family, civil government, art, music,...
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This comprehensive 140-page document goes with two talks given by Gary DeMar in December, 2020. It is an extensive study of the postmillennial position and its critics, but it is...
as low as $1.00
This product is available in the following formats: PDF eBook Subtitle: The Strange Case of the Treaty of Tripoli “. . . The United States of America is not in...