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as low as $2.95 $10.00
When a devotee of private property, free market, limited government principles states his position, he is inevitably confronted with a barrage of socialistic clichés. Failure to answer these has effectively...
as low as $2.95 $4.95
Hear Gary DeMar and Robert Thomas debate the "end times." Two scholars defend their different interpretations of biblical eschatology. Listen in and make up your own mind... MP3 audio; 75...
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An expanded transcript of the podcast episode on 1 Thessalonians 4 that Gary did with Kim Burgess. With Scripture verses and explanatory material added, this reads more like an extra...
as low as $2.95 $10.00
Note: This product is a PDF Download, not a physical book "Anti-Semitism." The word conjures up thoughts of Nazism, Adolf Hitler, and gas ovens. In our day "anti-semitism" is real,...