$24.95 $50.00
The Bible tells us that the "fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge" (Proverbs 1:7). It also tells us "to be ready always with an answer" (1 Peter 3:15). The Christian faith is not one of blind obedience and submission; it is one of thoughtful interaction with both God's Word and God's world. Natural revelation makes it clear that there is a God (Romans 1:19-20), but the Bible reveals clear and explicit information about Who this God is and what He expects of His people (Deuteronomy 29:29).
Apologetics 101 is an in-depth study of defending the Christian faith. The Greek word apologia simply means "defense," and apologetics is the art and act of giving a defense. Christian Apologetics then is the art and act of defending the Christian faith, not a proof of God in general. The Christian apologist must be ready to answer truth claims about the Bible, not claims about Hinduism, Islam, or any other false religion. The Bible makes the bold claim that Jesus is the ONLY way, and the Christian apologist must set his sights on the Bible alone, not on a defense of arbitrary theism.
This comprehensive course includes:
• Basic Training for Defending the Faith (5-part video series by Dr. Greg Bahnsen)
• Defending the Christian Worldview Against All Opposition (22-part audio series by Dr. Greg Bahnsen)
• Pushing the Antithesis (300-page ebook study guide for Bahnsen lectures)
• Thinking Straight in a Crooked World (312-page ebook by Gary DeMar, with study guide)
• The Best Offense is a Good Defense (8-part audio series by Gary DeMar)
• If Evolution is Right, Can Anything Be Wrong? (3-part audio series by Gary DeMar, with study guide)
• and much more...
It is theology, culture, ethics, and debate all rolled into one, but apologetics can and must be done. With Apologetics 101, you'll feel more than equipped to take on any opposition to the faith.
You will be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks!
Specifications: MP3 audio, MP4 video, and PDF
PLEASE NOTE: These are electronic files and are collectively very large. Be patient as they will take some time to download.
as low as $1.00
This product is available in the following formats: MP3 Audio Download In November, 2015, Joel McDurmon presented these challenging lectures at Freedom Conference 2015 in Des Moines, Iowa. Speaking before...
as low as $9.95 $25.00
Audiobook version also available here. Volume 1 of the Bahnsen Apologetic TrilogySee Volume 2 (The Impossibility of the Contrary) here, and Volume 3 (Pushing the Antithesis) here. This book is...
as low as $1.00
This product is available in the following formats: PDF eBook Subtitle: The Strange Case of the Treaty of Tripoli “. . . The United States of America is not in...
as low as $10.00 $19.95
From the founding of the colonies to the declaration of the Supreme Court, America's heritage is built up on the principles of the Christian religion. And yet the secularists are...