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This product is available in the following formats: MP3 Audio Download In November, 2015, Joel McDurmon presented these challenging lectures at Freedom Conference 2015 in Des Moines, Iowa. Speaking before...
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Audiobook version also available here. Volume 1 of the Bahnsen Apologetic TrilogySee Volume 2 (The Impossibility of the Contrary) here, and Volume 3 (Pushing the Antithesis) here. This book is...
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This product is available in the following formats: PDF eBook Subtitle: The Strange Case of the Treaty of Tripoli “. . . The United States of America is not in...
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From the founding of the colonies to the declaration of the Supreme Court, America's heritage is built up on the principles of the Christian religion. And yet the secularists are...
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This product is available in the following formats: MP4 & MP3 Downloadable Video and Audio MP4 Downloadable Video MP3 Downloadable Audio Winner of the coveted Angel Award, America: The Untold Story is...
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Reprinted for the first time since 1890, this newly typeset edition of Rev. Edward J. Giddings’s biographies of nearly 200 American statesmen recalls a time in American history when the...
as low as $24.95 $50.00
The Bible tells us that the "fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge" (Proverbs 1:7). It also tells us "to be ready always with an answer" (1 Peter...
as low as $30.00
This product will be available in the following formats: Paperback (includes companion film on DVD, PDF eBook) What is Covenant? In a biblical sense, it is a legal bond between...
as low as $15.00 $30.00
This product is available in the following formats: MP4 Video Download In this three-part video series, Dr. Joel McDurmon takes you back to the first-century church to give you an understanding...
as low as $15.00 $30.00
This product is available in the following formats: DVD MP4 Video Download Watch and learn as the late Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen teaches you how to think as a Christian. God...
as low as $15.00 $30.00
This download includes the audio of talks from the Worldview Super Conference IV - Biblical Blueprints for Victory. (2010) Christianity and Post-Modern Historiography - Dr. Roger Schultz Postmodern approaches...
as low as $10.00
American Vision is pleased to present H. B. Clark's Biblical Law—now back in print after over 60 years! Written in the style of a law reference guide, Biblical Law is a layman's compendium of...
as low as $10.00 $35.00
From Luther’s quip, “We don’t want to see or hear Moses,” to Calvin’s rejection of exclusive Mosaic civil polity as “foolish” and “seditious” in 1536, no person seems to have...
as low as $10.00 $25.00
This product is available in the following formats: Paperback eBook for Kindle, iBook, Nook and PDF God's Law is Christianity's tool of dominion. This is where any discussion of God's...
as low as $10.00 $25.00
Paperback now available! Christian Economics in One Lesson is Dr. North's reworking of Henry Hazlitt’s classic introduction to economic thought, Economics in One Lesson. That book set the standard as an...
as low as $19.00 $30.00
This download includes the audio of talks from the American Vision National Prophecy Conference - Christian Victory in Every Realm of Life. Included are several PDF Outlines and e-Books. ...
as low as $10.00
The perspective of the organizers of this symposium is that the reconstruction of the Church requires the re-establishment of three principles. First, there must be a re-establishment of true government...
as low as $24.95 $50.00
The Constitution is the law of the land, but how much do you really know about it? Do you know that is thoroughly grounded in biblical principles? What do you...
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This product is available in the following format(s): PDF eBook Something has obviously gone radically wrong in the Presbyterian Church. To identify what went wrong, you need to understand when...
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A worldview is simply the way you look at yourself and the world around you. It includes your beliefs about God, yourself, your neighbors, your family, civil government, art, music,...
as low as $20.00 $30.00
Get both of Doug Wilson's masterful apologetic works for one great price! Read and learn as Doug Wilson teaches and entertains with these two fantastic apologetic responses to written works...
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In August of 2013, Gary DeMar set out over three days at World Revival Church in Kansas City in order to answer this eschatological question: Is the end of the...
as low as $24.95 $50.00
The family is the foundation of covenant life. God deals with His people through covenant and the family is one of the primary ways that this gets modeled to the world...
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It is a well-known fact in the book publishing industry that there are two kinds of books that always have a ready market: diet books and self-help books on personal success. I...
as low as $15.00 $45.00
Nearly forty years ago, amid the rapid dissolution of the American moral fabric after Roe v. Wade, an old truth started gaining new life in America. It was the truth that...
as low as $10.00 $25.00
Subtitle: A Biblical Critique of the New Social Gospel God owns everything. The earth is the Lord's, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it (Ps. 24:1),...
as low as $7.00 $20.00
The three sermons presented in this book exemplify the full-orbed worldview of early American Christianity we need to recover today. They remind us of a time not too far gone...
as low as $15.00 $29.95
It is commonly stated -especially among Christians - that the Bible is the bedrock of the American legal system. Very few, however, understand how and to what extent the Bible...
as low as $24.95 $50.00
All government is some sort of authority structure. Government doesn't just mean civil government, it also means family, church, and self-government. Every institution that has rules is a form of...
as low as $10.00
A Postmillennial Eschatology The vast majority of those who call themselves evangelical Christians believe that the Church of Jesus Christ has been predestined by God to fail in history. "It...
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History is at the heart of the Christian faith. Christianity depends upon the events described in the Bible. The Old Testament is the foundation of the New Testament, which depends upon the...
as low as $1.00
"For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writing, how shall ye believe my words?" John 5:46-47...
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Biblical Principles of Money and Banking About the Title: Does the Bible have answers for the grave economic problems of our day?Yes. Absolutely.We are now facing a monetary crisis of astronomical...
as low as $10.00 $20.00
When a devotee of private property, free market, limited government principles states his position, he is inevitably confronted with a barrage of socialistic clichés. Failure to answer these has effectively...
as low as $10.00
If Scientists believe in evolution, why don't they practice what their faith preaches? Atheism cannot account for rationality, love or morality. This does not mean that atheists are always irrational,...
as low as $12.00 $30.00
Preachers are always looking for more preaching materials and helps, as they have to produce a steady stream of acceptable sermons. In more than one way, this was the impetus...
as low as $10.00 $20.00
In early American history, a literate and well-educated majority of Americans thrived without a national, tax-funded educational program. In fact, few of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence...
as low as $18.95 $30.00
In this special set of three of James' bestselling products, you will learn how to read and interpret the Bible as it was meant to be read and interpreted: as...
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In 1839, in a speech to the New York Historical Society on the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of George Washington, John Quincy Adams, then representing Massachusetts’s 12th district in...
as low as $1.00
A study of the theology of Judaism that shows why some Jews have denied that there has ever been a Judeo-Christian tradition. They argue that this idea came out of...
as low as $10.00 $20.00
A Biography of Planned Parenthood's Founder Margaret Sanger About the Title: A Shocking Look at Feminism's Patron Saint "George Grant's writing is an invaluable asset to Americans in general, and to...
as low as $8.95 $14.95
Security or liberty? Which have you chosen? Lavish government spending programs and burdensome tax bills are legitimized by describing them as just, benevolent, fair, and good for the people. The...
as low as $2.95 $10.00
When a devotee of private property, free market, limited government principles states his position, he is inevitably confronted with a barrage of socialistic clichés. Failure to answer these has effectively...
as low as $1.00
About the Title: A biblical response to anti-abortionists who claim that the individual has the God given right to kill abortionists in God's name, or in the name of natural law...
as low as $10.00
There are two key areas where men are called to lead. They are the home and the church. Many of the problems in our modern churches are a result of...
as low as $1.00
Should Talking Vegetables Be Used to Teach the Bible?In an attempt to do our part in bringing wholesome but substantive entertainment to kids everywhere, American Vision has created MeatyTales. Like VeggieTales,...
as low as $10.00 $20.00
You don't have to be a genius to develop a great memory. It's all about technique. Memory Mechanics shows how memory works and develops proven methods to make learning new...
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The Nature of Man is Bad News. The Nature of God is Good News. We are often told that ideas have consquences. How we think and what we believe influence...