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In this three-part video series, Dr. Joel McDurmon takes you back to the first-century church to give you an understanding of the attacks on the Gospel from the prevailing pagan mystery religions of the day. Joel presents the life and writings of the apostles, the early church fathers and other compelling evidences, in defending the person of Christ and dismantling both the old and new myths and their myth-storians.
PART 1: The Myth-storians in Action
PART 2: Bible History: Fact or Fiction?
PART 3: Man to Man: Defending the Faith Against Mere Myths
Specifications: Run time: 107 Minutes - MP4 Video Download
Three Part PDF Course Study Guides Included
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This product is available in the following formats: MP3 Audio Download In November, 2015, Joel McDurmon presented these challenging lectures at Freedom Conference 2015 in Des Moines, Iowa. Speaking before...
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Audiobook version also available here. Volume 1 of the Bahnsen Apologetic TrilogySee Volume 2 (The Impossibility of the Contrary) here, and Volume 3 (Pushing the Antithesis) here. This book is...
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This product is available in the following formats: PDF eBook Subtitle: The Strange Case of the Treaty of Tripoli “. . . The United States of America is not in...
as low as $10.00 $19.95
From the founding of the colonies to the declaration of the Supreme Court, America's heritage is built up on the principles of the Christian religion. And yet the secularists are...