The vast majority of those who call themselves evangelical Christians believe that the Church of Jesus Christ has been predestined by God to fail in history. "It cannot possibly succeed!" Millions of Christians believe that the Church will be "raptured" soon, removing Christians from the turmoils and responsibilities of this life.
Rev. Kenneth L. Gentry Th.D., argues otherwise in He Shall Have Dominion. He shows that Christians have many great things to accomplish for Christ before Christ returns bodily to earth.
Two centuries ago, Protestant Christians believed that they would die before Jesus came back to earth. This affected the way they thought, prayed, worked, and saved. They built for the future. They were future-oriented. They were upper-class. Today, many Protestants believe that Jesus is coming back soon, so they will not have to die. This belief affects the way they think, pray, work, and save. They are present-oriented. They are lower-class. He Shall Have Dominion refutes this outlook, verse by verse.
Most Protestants today believe that Jesus cannot rule successfully through His people in every area of life until He returns to earth bodily and sits on a political throne in Jerusalem. (Mormons believe this too, only they think the throne will be in Independence, Missouri.) Other evangelical Christians believe that Jesus cannot rule through His Church until after the final judgment, after Satan is cast into the lake of fire, and that He will never sit on a throne in Jerusalem.
One tiny group believes that Jesus, just like Satan, does not need to be physically present in order for His people to exercise dominion in every area of life. The kingdom of God in history, just the kingdom of Satan in history, operates as God always intended: without the bodily presence of its Master. Jesus, like Satan, rules in history representatively. He Shall Have Dominion shows why.
Most Christians believe that the healing effects of Christ's gospel of salvation are limited to the individual soul, the Christian family, and the institutional Church. They believe that the gospel can heal personal governments, family governments, and Church governments, but it cannot heal civil governments. They believe that the power of sin in history is greater than the power of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, at least outside of the Church and the family.
One tiny group believes that Christ's salvation is as comprehensive as Adam's rebellion, and more powerful in history as time goes on. He Shall Have Dominion makes this case.
He Shall Have Dominion is a positive book: positive about the future of the Church. He Shall Have Dominion teaches that Christians will exercise dominion in history. It therefore teaches responsibility. This is why its message is hated. Today's Christians have been taught that they must flee responsibility, for Jesus' sake. They would rather believe that God has predestined His Church to failure than believe that they are personally responsible for transforming society. This is why the Church is so weak in our day.
About the Author: Dr. Gentry is a graduate of Tennessee Temple University, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Whitefield Theological Seminary. He has published scores of articles in various periodicals, including: Tabletalk, the Chalcedon Report, Westminster Theological Journal, Christianity Today, Christianity & Society, The Banner of Truth, The Presbyterian Journal, and more. He has written several books on eschatology, as well as a variety of other relevant topics.
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