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The Olivet Discourse is not a tacked-on sermon by Jesus. It serves as a necessary conclusion to His ministry and warning to Israel and the prelude to the Passion Narratives that...
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It was Jesus who said: "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be....Verily I...
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Johannes Piscator (1546–1625) may not be a household name today, but that is hardly for want of an international, multi-generational legacy. His clear and firm stance on God’s justice as...
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In 2019, President Donald J. Trump, commissioned a group of 18 prominent historical experts, intellectuals, and college professionals to produce The 1776 Report. The goal was to refute the Left's...
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From Luther’s quip, “We don’t want to see or hear Moses,” to Calvin’s rejection of exclusive Mosaic civil polity as “foolish” and “seditious” in 1536, no person seems to have...
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You've never heard history presented like this by your high school teachers or college professors because they don't know where the bodies have been buried. But Gary North does! Join...
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Get both of Doug Wilson's masterful apologetic works for one great price! Read and learn as Doug Wilson teaches and entertains with these two fantastic apologetic responses to written works...
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Debates about "end-time" evil ramped up in the third decade of the twenty-first century. A global pandemic, failing economies, and political discord have affected billions. Amid fear, many feel they’re...
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A Brief Chapter-by-Chapter Commentary on the Book of Revelation by Douglas Wilson "Though St. John the Evangelist saw many strange monsters in his vision, he saw no creature so wild...
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A close reading of the Gospels, taking history and archeology into account, demolishes the myth of a socialist Jesus.Theologians virtually ignore the economic commentary in the Bible. In the few...
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Leviathan is rising again, and the first weapon we must recover is the longstanding Christian tradition of resisting governmental overreach. Our bloated bureaucratic state would have been unrecognizable to the...
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There was a crooked man, and he went a crooked mile,He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile:He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse,And they all...
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Subtitle: God's Government or Chaos The main reason anti-Christian civilizationists survive and seem to thrive is that Christians have not engaged with, answered, and built a competing alternative culture—THE ORIGINAL...