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Listen as Gary DeMar provides an audio introduction to Wars and Rumors of Wars: What Jesus Really Said About the End of the Age, Earthquakes, A Great Tribulation, Signs in the Heavens,...
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Many of the arguments happening today over eschatology were discussed by people like Nisbett centuries ago. If more commentators had paid attention to his works, we would not still be...
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Is a Christian ever obligated to disobey the state? And what is the nature of this “holy disobedience” and its consequences? Despite the injunction in Romans 13 for every person...
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Bring up the issue of alcohol in your local church and you're bound to hear many different views and opinions on how the Christian should respond. In reality though, the...
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Calvinism is not just five points, but is, as Dr. Kuyper makes clear, a whole, complete, coherent worldview. These Lectures represent the “next step” in Calvinism for those who have...