The Hope of Israel and the Nations

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Please note: This is the first volume of a two-part series. Volume Two can be purchased here.

The Hope of Israel and the Nations deals with the text of Scripture, letting the Bible interpret itself. Kim Burgess has spent more than 40 years studying this topic. The newness of the material in the New Testament takes all the promises found in the Old Testament regarding Israel and shows their New Covenant fulfillment and application. Some of it has been developed in bits and pieces. This is the first time that all the pieces have been put together into a coherent whole.

The reader and student of the Bible must first understand the content of the New Testament writings in terms of how those in the first century would have understood it. The New Testament is written against the background of the Old Testament. The shadows of the Old were fulfilled in the reality of the New. All the rituals and ceremonies were fulfilled in Jesus. The same is true of the temple, land, blood sacrifices, the nature of redemption, the resurrection of the dead, the breaking down of the dividing wall dividing Jews and Gentiles, and so much more. The New Testament's emphasis is on the finished work of Jesus and its application, not only to that Apostolic generation but to the world today.

The Hope of Israel and the Nations: New Testament Eschatology Accomplished and Applied maintains the following interpretive principles:

  • The Bible is the best interpreter of itself. While there are 66 books, in terms of the Holy Spirit’s role in bringing the Bible into existence, it’s one book, a seamless garment that needs to be understood as a single revelation of what God wants us to know even though it is made up of many parts.

  • We should expect to find agreement throughout the Bible. For example, what we read in Isaiah 65-66, Ezekiel 37-39, and Daniel 9 should mesh with what we read, for example, in Matthew 24, Romans, 1 Thessalonians 4, and the book of Revelation.

  • When prophetic material is under discussion, it’s important to note time references and audience relevance.

  • We need to be careful not to read into Scripture concepts and preconceptions that aren’t present no matter how popular they may be.

  • The distinguishing perspective that makes The Hope of Israel and the Nations differ from previous studies is that New Testament eschatology is meant to be understood in the context of the special and non-repeatable history of redemption in Old Testament Israel that ran from the patriarch Abraham to Jesus of Nazareth as the Christ of Israel.

KIM BURGESS is a graduate of the University of South Carolina (BA, 1975) and Reformed Theological Seminary (M.Div., M.C.E, 1980). He was awarded a full scholarship in 1980 to do further graduate work at Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in the field of biblical theology. Thanks to the Internet, Kim teaches students online in the field of biblical theology in both the United States and abroad. He lives in Roanoke, Virginia, in the beautiful Valley of Virginia. Kim is married with two grown children. 

GARY DEMAR is a graduate of Western Michigan University (BS, 1973) and Reformed Theological Seminary (M.Div., 1979). He is the author of 35 books on topics related to history, economics, apologetics, education, and eschatology that include Last Days Madness, Wars and Rumors of Wars, Is Jesus Coming Soon?, Prophecy Wars, 10 Popular Prophecy Myths Exposed and Answered, and several others. He is president of The American Vision, a biblical worldview ministry located in Powder Springs, Georgia.

Specs: Paperback, eBook or PDF Download; 306 pages

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