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Please note: This is Volume 2 of a two-part series. Volume One can be purchased here.
Christians tend to learn the Bible in bits and pieces. As a result, they often miss the larger context because they have not been taught how the bits and pieces fit with the whole. It’s important to remember that the 66 biblical books make up one complete work—The Bible—The Book.
In this second and concluding volume of The Hope of Israel and the Nations, Kim Burgess continues expounding his lessons on New Testament Eschatology. With help from co-author Gary DeMar, Kim connects all the parts of the NT and fashions them into a whole.
Kim emphasizes the one-and-many approach to interpretation. The parts and the whole must be studied together. They make up the warp and woof of proper biblical interpretation. The process takes time and study, but it brings the full story of the Bible into clear focus.
KIM BURGESS is a graduate of the University of South Carolina (BA, 1975) and Reformed Theological Seminary (M.Div., M.C.E, 1980). He was awarded a full scholarship in 1980 to do further graduate work at Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in the field of biblical theology. Thanks to the Internet, Kim teaches students online in the field of biblical theology in both the United States and abroad. He lives in Roanoke, Virginia, in the beautiful Valley of Virginia. Kim is married with two grown children.
GARY DEMAR is a graduate of Western Michigan University (BS, 1973) and Reformed Theological Seminary (M.Div., 1979). He is the author of 35 books on topics related to history, economics, apologetics, education, and eschatology that include Last Days Madness, Wars and Rumors of Wars, Is Jesus Coming Soon?, Prophecy Wars, 10 Popular Prophecy Myths Exposed and Answered, and several others. He is president of The American Vision, a biblical worldview ministry located in Powder Springs, Georgia.
Specs: Paperback, eBook or PDF Download; 465 pages
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