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About the Title: A Shocking Look at Feminism's Patron Saint
About the Author: Dr. George Grant is the author of nearly three dozen books on history, politics, theology, and social issues, including the best-selling Grand Illusions, The Micah Mandate, and Bringing in the Sheaves. He is the director of King's Meadow Study Center, and instructor at Whitefield Theological Seminary, and a Teaching Fellow at Franklin Classical School.
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You may donate using your credit card through this page, through our secure site, or you are welcome to mail in a donation by check to: American VisionPO Box 220Powder Springs,...
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This product is available in the following formats: MP3 Audio Download In November, 2015, Joel McDurmon presented these challenging lectures at Freedom Conference 2015 in Des Moines, Iowa. Speaking before...
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A worldview is simply the way you look at yourself and the world around you. It includes your beliefs about God, yourself, your neighbors, your family, civil government, art, music,...
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This comprehensive 140-page document goes with two talks given by Gary DeMar in December, 2020. It is an extensive study of the postmillennial position and its critics, but it is...