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Nearly all Americans are familiar with the contributions of Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison, and many other patriots of the eighteenth century. Few Americans, however, are familiar with the one person who had the greatest influence on the thinking of our founding fathers: Sir William Blackstone.
Sir William Blackstone and the Common Law will be an introduction for many to this legal scholar, law professor, attorney, member of Parliament, and judge who shaped the thinking of our founding fathers and, as a result, shaped the content of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. Blackstone's genius was in his ability to organize the common law in such a way that it became readable to both lawyers and laymen alike.
As Americans, we are indebted to the common law, to Blackstone who compiled it in an understandable way, and to Professor Stacey for reminding us of this glorious heritage.
About the Author: Dr. Robert D. Stacey is Associate Professor in Regen University's Robertson School of Government where he teaches the School's cornerstone course, Christian Foundations of Government, as well as various courses in public policy, strategic intelligence, and political theory. He also directs the School's Terrorism and Homeland Defense track.
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