PDF: The Legacy of Hatred Continues

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"Anti-Semitism." The word conjures up thoughts of Nazism, Adolf Hitler, and gas ovens. In our day "anti-semitism" is real, with swastikas painted on synagogues and verbal epithets hurled at Jews by the Ku Klux Klan and so-called "white supremacists." Purging our land of such an evil will not be accomplished by accusing someone of "anti-Semitism" when there is not a shred of evidence to support the claim. Hal Lindsey labeled anyone who did not agree with him on the issue of eschatology as "unconsciously anti-Semitic." Lies and slander will accomplish nothing.

We pursued all the means at our disposal to meet with Hal Lindsey over the "anti-Semitism" charges he made in his poorly researched book The Road To Holocaust and directs against amillennialists, historic premillennialists, and postmillennialists, especially Christian Reconstructionists. He would not meet with us. We were told that "Lindsey is not interested in talking about it. His basic word is write a book in response" (personal letter to Gary DeMar from a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, March 17, 1989).

We believe that Hal Lindsey is wrong in making eschatology the test of orthodoxy. As we will point out in The Legacy of Hatred Continues, the problem is not eschatology but ethics, obedience not expectations. ''Anti-Semitism'' crosses all eschatological lines, just as love for the Jews crosses all eschatological lines. Hal Lindsey fostered a legacy of hatred among his Christian brethren and among those who desperately need Jesus Christ: the Jews.

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