The Unknown History of the 20th Century

You've never heard history presented like this by your high school teachers or college professors because they don't know where the bodies have been buried. But Gary North does!

Join Dr. North as he explores the key events and figures of the past century and the unknown social, political, ecclesiastical, cultural, even conspiratorial forces that have made America what it is today. Dr. North brings it all together, helping us understand where we have come from, where we are now, and where we should be heading as a nation. This 3-DVD set is interspersed with historical images that enhance the narrative. Each session is approximately 55 min.

Talks Include:

   DVD 1: 1925: The Scopes Trial as a Turning Point 
   DVD 2: 1926-1975: The Great Reversal 
   DVD 3: 1976-2006: Out of the Shadows

Speaker: Dr. Gary North (Ph.D. in history from the University of California, Riverside) is the author of over 42 books on economics, the Bible, social theory, education, and history. Since 1974, he has been the editor of Remnant Review, a monthly financial newsletter. He has devoted the bulk of his academic career to a study of the Bible and its implications for economic theory and practice.

Specifications: 3 DVDs or MP4 Download; 165 minutes

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