The Preterist Apologetic Collection

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The preterist interpretation (past in fulfillment) has a long history in Christianity. The resources found in this PDF collection make the case loud and clear.

1) John Bray's comprehensive commentary on the Olivet Discourse, Matthew 24 Fulfilled
2) The Day and the Hour by Frank Gumerlock
3) A very rare and hard-to-find 165-page book The Apocalypse in the Ancient Church by Ned Stonehouse
4) "Chiliasm in the Writings of the Apostolic Fathers" by Albertus Pieters, a very rare two-part article from 1938
5) "Debunking a Debunker of Preterism" by Gary DeMar

Worth well over $50, the Preterist Apologetic Collection is a great addition to any Bible prophecy research library. The Stonehouse book alone can't be found for less than $500; it's that rare. And good luck finding the Pieters article anywhere but in this set.

Specifications: 5 PDF files; 966 pages

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