The Truth About The Rapture: a Biblical Study

Does the Church Go Missing in the Book of Revelation?

What many Christians do not know is that the pre-tribulation rapture view is dependent on separating the 70th week (consisting of 7 years) from the other 69 weeks (483 years) and inserting a timeless parenthesis (now nearly 2000 years long) between the 69th and 70th weeks.

Chances are that most Christians who hold to the pre-tribulation rapture position could not explain its details or defend it biblically. All they’ve heard is how they will be “raptured” before a period of tribulation takes place that will bring untold hardship of billions of people, but they’re not real sure how this doctrine was created.They’ve heard about the “rapture” for so long that they believe it is a fundamental doctrine of the Church. It isn’t.

The fact that there are five different rapture views with no single verse supporting any one of them should make anyone who holds the position to take the time to study the topic before claiming it’s “in the Bible.”

This study is ideal for small group or Sunday School settings.

Specifications: eBook Download in .mobi, ePub, and PDF formats, 36pp.

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