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Change your mind about changing diapers and you could change the world.
It's hard being a wife and mother. The constant barrage of feminist propaganda tells stay-at-home moms their lives are insignificant, and inner discontentment can spring up from the mundane frictions of daily routine. From many sources, Christian housewives are under attack every day. And for some of them, a bad day has become their whole lives.
Author Leah Smith was in that boat: plagued by shapeless anxieties and prod- ded by nameless longings. She was ready to give up on marriage, family... even life. And she didn't even know why. One night, she asked God to liberate her from her fears. Right then, she began a journey of freedom into the truth. Her life has never been the same.
Diapers, Dishes & Dominion is a product of that journey -- a summary record of the truths God can use to transform ordinary Christian housewives into His weapons of mass reconstruction. In simple and straightforward language, Leah exposes some of the most prevalent lies Satan uses to keep Christian women irrelevant in God's Kingdom, and she presents biblical truths these wives and mothers need to know in order to change the world -- one diaper at a time.
Every wife and mother who wants to make an impact needs to read Diapers, Dishes & Dominion.
The first step to changing the world is changing your mind.
About the Author: Leah Smith is a happy wife of seven years and homeschooling mother to four energetic children under the age of six. Leah’s articles have been featured on AmericanVision.org and VisionaryWomanhood.com. In her theoretical spare time, Leah enjoys songwriting and recording, natural health and fitness, and buying too many books. Leah and her family presently reside in southern British Columbia, Canada.
170 pages
Kevin Swanson: Men, your wives need to listen to this terrific interview with Leah Smith, author of a new book entitled Diapers, Dishes, and Dominion. Leah says that too many women are overcome by fear and faithlessness, both of which seriously hamper a vision for dominion.
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